Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week #10 Assignment #23 - "Wrap-Up"

Refecting on my learning journey....
Wow! I've made it through the program. I'll have to admit there were times when I was very tempted to quit not because I didn't find it interesting but, because I felt I did not have the time to "mess with it" right then. It was quite a learning experience which was for the most part enjoyable & interesting. It is mind-boggling to me what options and programs are available! It mentions to list our favorite discoveries but for me the overall experience in just learning this was a complete discovery. Since this program began, I have (with my daughter's help) visited a personal blog of her sister-in-law's family and it was wonderful! What a great way to keep in touch with other family members who live away. Now just that whole idea appeals to me. I guess this would be my unexpected outcome that surprised me..just the fact that I was so impressed by this and liked it so well. On the "flip-side" of this is that it just reinforces the fact that there is so much to learn and keep up with because there are always more options being developed and available and that is overwhelming to me. I'm glad I stuck this out. I probably could win the prize for the MOST BORING blog, but oh well, I did it. Congratulations to everyone else who also completed the program. The blogs I visited were so great and very creative! Now if I could just take the time to revisit a lot of these sites before I forget the little bit I learned. Wish me luck!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Week #10 Assignment

MYSPACE AND FACEBOOK--You know I've heard so much about each of these but never wanted to take the time to investigate them. This exercise gave me the chance to do that. It was interesting to me. I'll have to admit though, it bothers me a little that so much personal information is posted on these sites. I know that there are features to make these secure and only available to those you choose but I can't say that I actually trust that. If I could get beyond these concerns, I would feel better about it. It is a great way to keep and make new friends and to stay in touch with them and to keep up with what is going on in their life. I don't know if I will ever be able to say that I prefer social networking to face to face conversations, but with the pace of our lives it gets harder and harder to find time for face to face visits. As far as this being applied to libraries, I'm not so sure that this would be all that helpful. Some of the other features we've explored in this class I think would benefit us more.

Week#9 cont.

PODCASTS - I did check out all 3 directories but to be honest with you I found this exercise not very interesting. I'm sure I don't understand it enough to see the potential for use but I'm sure there are others who would greatly disagree with me. I just need to take more time and investigate it further.

Week #9 Assignment

I had to ask for help in posting this video to my blog but it ended up being a lot easier than anticipated. I chose this video because two summers ago while at Virginia Beach my daughter and I went parasailing. We loved it!! Of course, the beach is my favorite vacation spot and what a view you have while parasailing. We chose to sail at the next to the highest level you could go. It was such a smooth ride. What a great experience!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Week #8 Assignment cont.

Wow...I liked this assignment...Discovering Web 2.0 tools. I went to several sites and I liked all the ones I went to. I especially liked the photo and the music sites. I think the music site was my favorite. I clicked on Pandora and enjoyed typing in my favorite song/artist and creating a listening radio station with my type of music. Actually, I typed in several different types of music. Now this is something I could see myself getting a lot of enjoyment out of. I'm sure there would be many sites that would be useful in library settings.

Week #8 Assignment

I read over the assignment and instructions but did not actually create any spreadsheet etc. While reading and looking over the Google calendar, I think that could be very helpful and would help keep my life organized! I just need to take the time to set this up and organize myself; and the "catch" is to KEEP it updated.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Week # 7 cont.

Adding my blog to the Favorites page was a little confusing to me. Actually Lorraine walked me through it! Without her help, I would have been completely lost!